SBS Transit to roll out new features for a more commuter-friendly travel experience

Mr Daniel Tan, who frequently takes bus Services 93 and 195, will soon be able to check his emails and post that Facebook update while on the go – and not have to worry about eating into his monthly bandwidth subscription.

Come February 2019, free Wi-Fi will be made available on board more than 300 buses which serve the 118 SBS Transit bus services that are part of the Bukit Merah Bus Package.

Mr Tan, a 34-year-old IT Technician, said: “I look forward to the free Wi-Fi as I will be able to check my email and watch YouTube videos on my bus rides without worrying about busting my data plans.”

Other new innovative features such as the interactive touchscreen panels, digital feedback panels will be implemented at the Bukit Merah and HarbourFront bus interchanges on 18 November 2018 as part of the Bukit Merah Bus Package committed obligations.

The two Bus Interchanges will be furnished with interactive touchscreen panels to provide convenient access to travel information – the panels will display comprehensive and user-friendly information such as bus services, bus departure times, bus routes and locality map. Commuters can also catch up on up-to-date information such as service extension hours, and even routes that are being diverted or delayed.

To better serve our commuters, feedback panels are available at these bus interchanges near the Passenger Service Office to allow them to conveniently share immediate feedback on bus interchanges’ facilities such as toilet cleanliness and lighting of the interchanges. This will allow us to take corrective action quickly to provide the travel experience. Besides this, we also host regular Commuter Chat sessions at the two interchanges for our managers to engage commuters and listen to their feedback.

In addition, there will be dedicated television screens at the two Bus Interchanges displaying information on local community events and activities to engage residents in the neighbourhood.

To enhance commuters’ journeys, the bus interchanges are equipped with mobile charging points for commuters to recharge their devices. On rainy days, commuters can borrow umbrellas for free for 24 hours via a mobile application - the umbrella dispensers are located near the Passenger Service Office at these Bus Interchanges.

SBS Transit Chief Executive Officer Mr Gan Juay Kiat said: “As part of our continuous commitment to enhance commuters’ travelling experience, we are leveraging on technology to boost our service quality as well as increase the accessibility and availability of information for commuters. We will continue to look for ways to make public transport travel a more commuter-friendly, convenient and seamless experience.”

1 The 18 SBS Transit bus Services under the Bukit Merah Bus Package are 5, 16, 57, 93, 120, 121, 122, 123/123M, 131/131M, 145, 160, 170, 195, 198, 272, 273, 400 and 402.